King Charles III new patron for NZTBA

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  • May 16, 2024
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The New Zealand Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association is delighted to announce that His Majesty King Charles III is their new patron.

The patronages of their Royal Highnesses the King and Queen were announced by Buckingham Palace last week to coincide with the first anniversary of Their Majesties Coronation.

The NZTBA received official notification from Buckingham Palace this week.

“It was a tremendous privilege to have received the letter through the post this week stating that His Majesty The King would be delighted to accept the patronage of our association,” NZTBA chief executive Nick Johnson said.

“Her Majesty The Queen was our patron for 32 years, and her love of the thoroughbred is widely known. To be able to have the patronage passed on to His Majesty I think is wonderful, we are very honoured.”

Following the passing of the Queen in 2022 a review of her patronages was undertaken along with those held by the then Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall. Between them they had well over 1000 patronages and presidencies, and this number has now been reduced.

The letter from The Principal Private Secretary to the King and Queen the Right Honourable Sir Clive Alderton stated that the review had been completed and that His Majesty would be delighted to accept the patronage of the Association.

NZTBA President John Thompson is pleased the association former NZTBA Administration Manager Sally Cassels-Brown established with Buckingham Palace during the 1990’s is continuing. Each year since then the Association has sent Her Majesty a copy of the New Zealand Stallion Register which was always acknowledged with a personal comment.

“The New Zealand Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association was fortunate to have a long -standing connection with The Queen during her reign,” he said.

“It is therefore fantastic news for the New Zealand breeding industry that His Majesty King Charles has accepted the patronage of our association so we can continue this wonderful connection going forward.”


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